Ammonites and other Cephalopods
Ammonites, Nautiloids, Belemnites and Teuthis


Wholesale 500+ specimen Belemnites Maastrichtian, Cretaceous, 66 Million years old
Ask for price

Ammonites were molluscs that evolved in the Devonian and became extinct in the Cretaceous. They were cephalopods which lived in the last chamber of an often coiled shell. The old chambers were linked with each other with a tube, through which they could be filled or emptied with a gas or water, depending on the animal’s need to rise or sink. Ammonites were able to move through the seawater by pushing a jet of water through their mantle cavity, a kind of funnel (so that they actually moved backwards). Some ammonite species could reach more than 1.5 m (5 ft) in diameter. Just like modern cephalopods, they had a strong parrot-like beak, with which they could crush the shells of their prey. More than 10,000 different ammonite species have been described.
Die Ammoniten des Schw�bischen Jura, F.A. Quenstedt, 1883 (reprint 1973), SchweizerbartVerlag (Stuttgart, Germany)
Die Ammoniten des s�ddeutschen Lias, 1976 + Die Ammoniten des s�ddeutschen Doggers, 1985+ Die Ammoniten des s�ddeutschen Malms, 1994 R. Schlegelmilch, Gustav Fischer Verlag(Stuttgart, Germany)
Ammoniten aus den hangenden Bankkalken (Unter-Tithon) der Schw�bischen Alb(S�dwestdeutschland); Abhandlungen des geologischen Landesamtes Baden-W�rttemberg, Heft9, W. Ohmert + A. Zeiss, 1980 (Freiburg, Germany)
The ammonites: their life and their world, U. Lehmann, 1981, Cambridge University Press(Cambridge, UK)
Ammonites, N. Monks, 2002, Natural History Museum (London, UK)

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Large collection of Ammonites#AAP11070

Large collection of ammonites
Mostly from France, some other locations
Mostly Callovien, 165 million years old
Sizes varying from 2 to 30 cm / 1 to 12 inch
For sale in parts or whole

Collection of Maastrichtian Cephalopods
# ACM11063

Several specimen, various sizes!
Upper Cretaceous, Maastrichtian 66 million years old
Maastricht area, Mainly Netherlands and Belgium
Price: Euro 1000.--

Cleoniceras besairei
# AMP11040

2 Ammonites with pearl shale!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size biggest: 2.48 inch / 6.2 cm
Price: Euro 85.--

Cleoniceras besairei
# AMP11041

2 Ammonites  with pearl shale!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size biggest: 2.4 inch / 6 cm
Price: Euro 85.--

Cleoniceras besairei
# AMP11042

3 Ammonites  with pearl shale!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size biggest: 1.8 inch / 4.5 cm
Price: Euro 95.--

Vascoceras tectiforme

U. Cretaceous,
Cenomanian - Turonian 95 million years old
Haute-Benoue, North Nigeria, Africa
Size: 2.4 inch / 6 cm
Price: 15.--

Callyphylloceras disputabile
Heteromorph Ammonite
M. Jurassic, Bathonien, 167 Million years old
 Alpes du Haute Provence, France
Size : 2.6 inch  / 6.5 cm
Price: Euro 45.--

Aegastoceras sagittarium # AGA11045

L. Jurassic, L. Lias, Sinemurian, 199 Million years old
Frodingham Ironstone Green Ammonite
Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, U.K.
Size : 2.6 inch / 6.5 cm wide
Price:  Euro 95.--

Pleuroceras spinatum

2 specimen
L. Jurassic, Pliensbachian, 185 Million years old
Untersturmig, Germany
Size biggest: 1.4 inch / 3.5 cm wide 
Price:  Euro 20.--

Pleuroceras spinatum

2 specimen
L. Jurassic, Pliensbachian, 185 Million years old
Untersturmig, Germany
Size biggest: 1.4 inch / 3.5 cm wide 
Price:  Euro 10.--

Pleuroceras spinatum

2 specimen
L. Jurassic, Pliensbachian, 185 Million years old
Untersturmig, Germany
Size biggest: 1.8 inch / 4.5 cm wide 
Price:  Euro 15.--

Pleuroceras spinatum

L. Jurassic, Pliensbachian, 185 Million years old
Untersturmig, Germany
Size : 1.4 inch / 3.5 cm wide 
Price:  Euro 10.--

Vascoceras tectiforme

2 specimen
U. Cretaceous,
Cenomanian - Turonian 95 million years old
Haute-Benoue, North Nigeria, Africa
Size biggest: 3.4 inch / 8.5 cm
Price: 30.--

Vascoceras tectiforme

2 specimen
U. Cretaceous,
Cenomanian - Turonian 95 million years old
Haute-Benoue, North Nigeria, Africa
Size biggest: 3.2 inch / 8 cm
Price: 30.--

Vascoceras tectiforme

2 Specimen
U. Cretaceous,
Cenomanian - Turonian 95 million years old
Haute-Benoue, North Nigeria, Africa
Size biggest: 2.2 inch / 5.5 cm
Price: 20.--

Vascoceras tectiforme

U. Cretaceous,
Cenomanian - Turonian 95 million years old
Haute-Benoue, North Nigeria, Africa
Size: 4 inch / 10 cm
Price: 30.--

Psiloceras planorbis #APP11020

2 specimen with Pearl shale on matrix 17 by 9 cm
Jurassic, L. Lias, Hettangian, 201 Million years old
Watchet, Somerset, England
Size biggest: 1.12 nch / 2.8 cm
Price:  Euro

Psiloceras planorbis #APP11021
With Pearl shale on small matrix plate
Jurassic, L. Lias, Hettangian, 201 Million years old
Watchet, Somerset, England
Size biggest: 1.8 nch / 4.5 cm
Price:  Euro

Psiloceras planorbis #APP11022

With Pearl shale on small matrix plate
Jurassic, L. Lias, Hettangian, 201 Million years old
Watchet, Somerset, England
Size biggest: 1 nch / 2.5 cm
Price:  Euro

Psiloceras planorbis #APP11023

With Pearl shale on small matrix plate
Jurassic, L. Lias, Hettangian, 201 Million years old
Watchet, Somerset, England
Size biggest: 1.8 nch / 4.5 cm
Price:  Euro

Psiloceras planorbis #APP11024

With Pearl shale on small matrix plate
Jurassic, L. Lias, Hettangian, 201 Million years old
Watchet, Somerset, England
Size biggest: 1.6 nch / 4 cm
Price:  Euro

Meekoceras gracilitatis #AMG11028

Lower Triassic
,  250 Million years old
Crittenden Springs, Nevada, U.S.A.
Size biggest: 1.8 nch / 4.5 cm
Price:  Euro

Meekoceras gracilitatis #AMG11029

Lower Triassic,  250 Million years old
Crittenden Springs, Nevada, U.S.A.
Size biggest: 1.72 nch / 4.3 cm

Hamites rotundus
Heteromorph Ammonite
L. Cretaceous, Hautervien, 130 Million years old
Mont Ventoux, Alpes du Haute Provence, France
Size : 2.8 inch  / 7 cm
Price: Euro 45.--

Mantelliceras saxbii
Nice Ammonite

U. Cretaceous, Turonian 90 million years old
Pas de Calais, France
Size fossil : 4.2 inch / 10.5 cm high
Price: Euro 70.--

Phylloceras spec. #AB079
Rare Big Specimen
Jurassic, Lias, Toarcien 180 Million years old
Goppingen, Germany
Size: 15.6 inch / 39 cm
Price: Euro 390.--

Mammites sp. #APD5501

Ammonite on display stand
U. Cretaceous, Turonian 90 million years old
Pas de Calais, France
Size: 9.25 inch / 23.5 cm
Price: 320.--

Lytoceras sp. #APD5504

Ammonite on display stand
M. Jurassic, Pliensbachian, 185 Million years old
Dordogne, France

Size: 10.6 inch / 27 cm
Price: 320.--

Macrocephalites macrocephalus #APP5505

M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France
Size : 1.8 inch / 4.5 cm, matrix 14 by 11cm

Indophinctes cf. prehecquensis #APP5506
M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France
Size : 2.6 inch / 6.5 cm, matrix 13 by 10cm
Price: Euro 40.--

Indophinctes cf. prehecquensis #APP5507 
Ammonites multiple species
M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France

Size biggest: 2 inch / 5 cm, matrix 20 by 16cm
Price: Euro 110.--

Indophinctes cf. prehecquensis #APP5508

M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France

Size : 3.2inch / 8 cm, matrix 13 by 13cm
Price: Euro 30.--

Indophinctes cf. prehecquensis #APP5509

M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France

Size biggest: 1.8 inch / 4.5 cm matrix 17 by 11cm

Indophinctes cf. prehecquensis #APP5510

Ammonites multiple species
M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France

Size : 2.4 inch / 6 cm matrix 12 by 10cm

Catasigaloceras enodatum #APP5511

M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France
Size : 2.2 inch / 5.5 cm matrix 8 by 11cm
Price: Euro 50.--

Crioceratites nolani #APP5512
L. Cretaceous, Hautervien, 130 Million years old
Mont Ventoux, Alpes du Haute Provence, France

Size : 2 inch  / 5 cm  matrix 10 by 7
Price: Euro 40.--

Crioceratites nolani #APP5513

Pos/neg Ammonites
L. Cretaceous, Hautervien, 130 Million years old
Mont Ventoux, Alpes du Haute Provence, France

Size : 3.2 inch / 8 cm
Price: Euro 50.--
Set of 3 Airvault fossils #AAS4002
Harpoceras falciferum + Haugia sp.
+ Plagiostoma laeviuculum

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size: 4.7 + 5.5 + 5.1 inch / 12 + 14 + 13 cm
Price: Euro 110.--

Haugia sp. #AHS4003
Nice two-sided ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size ammonite: 5.5 inch / 14 cm
Price: Euro 75.--
Denckmannia sp. #ADS4004
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size: 5.5 inch / 14 cm
Price: Euro 65.--

Psiloceras sp. #APS9726
Marvelous large and Very rare Ammonite plate
L. Jurassic, Hettangian, 200 Million years old
Horn-Bad Meinberg, Germany
Size biggest: 3.8 inch / 7 cm
Matrix: 44 by 32 cm
Price: Euro 1250.--
Grammoceras doerntense #AGD9733
Marvelous large and rare Ammonite plate
3d and 2 sided Preparation (Heavy specimen!)
Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Doernten, Gosslar, Germany
Size biggest: 4.4 inch / 11 cm
Matrix: 53 by 47 cm
Price: Euro

Parapuzosia seppenradensis #APS7071
Specimen of the Largest Ammonite ever lived.
+80 Kilogram!! Old collection
Campanian, 74 Million years old
Seppenrade, Germany
Size : 62 cm
Price: Euro 1200.--
Haugia jugosa #AHJ3608
(Sowerby 1815) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size: 8.4 inch / 21 cm
Price: Euro 160.--
Haugia jugosa #AHJ3611
(Sowerby 1815) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size: 8.4 inch / 21 cm
Price: Euro 160.--
Haugia variabilis #AAF3956
(Schulbert 2001) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size ammonite: 5.2 inch / 13 cm
Price: Euro 65.--

Mortoniceras cf. exile
(van Hoepen)
Lower Cretaceous, Albian, 110 Million years old
La Puya formation, La Aguada, Venezuela
Size: 3.6 inch / 8.5 cm
Price: Euro 90.--

Mortoniceras devonense
Lower Cretaceous, Albian, 110 Million years old
La Puya formation, La Aguada, Venezuela
Size: 3.6 inch / 8.5 cm
Price: Euro 80.--

Mortoniceras devonense
Lower Cretaceous, Albian, 110 Million years old
La Puya formation, La Aguada, Venezuela
Size: 2.2 inch / 5.5 cm
Price: Euro 50.--

Mortoniceras devonense
Lower Cretaceous, Albian, 110 Million years old
La Puya formation, La Aguada, Venezuela
Size: 2.4 inch / 6 cm
Price: Euro 50.--

Mortoniceras devonense
Lower Cretaceous, Albian, 110 Million years old
La Puya formation, La Aguada, Venezuela
Size: 2.4 inch / 6 cm
Price: Euro 50.--

Mortoniceras devonense
Lower Cretaceous, Albian, 110 Million years old
La Puya formation, La Aguada, Venezuela
Size: 2.32 inch / 5.8 cm
Price: Euro 50.--

Mortoniceras devonense
Lower Cretaceous, Albian, 110 Million years old
La Puya formation, La Aguada, Venezuela
Size: 2.6 inch / 6.5 cm
Price: Euro 55.--

Mortoniceras devonense
Lower Cretaceous, Albian, 110 Million years old
La Puya formation, La Aguada, Venezuela
Size: 2 inch / 5 cm
Price: Euro 45.--
Zuercherella zuercheri #AZZ4671
Nice two sided ammonite, old collection
Lower Cretaceous, Aptien, 120 Million years old
Bad Bentheim, Germany
Size: 5.12 inch / 13 cm
Price: Euro 135.--

Zuercherella zuercheri #AZZ4670
Ammonite in matrix, old collection
Lower Cretaceous, Aptien, 120 Million years old
Bad Bentheim, Germany
Size: 6.3 inch / 16 cm
Price: Euro 135.--

Indophinctes cf. prehecquensis #APP4661

Ammonite on display stand
M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France
Size ammonite: 11.4 inch / 29 cm

Indophinctes cf. prehecquensis #APP4663

Ammonite on display stand
M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France
Size ammonite: 11.02 inch / 28 cm
Price: Euro 320.--

Hildoceras bifrons #AHB7294
Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size fossil: 3.92 inch / 9.8 cm
Price: Euro 50.--

Indophinctes cf. prehecquensis #APF4463

M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France
Size biggest ammonite: 2.04 inch / 5.1 cm

Indophinctes cf. prehecquensis #APF4464

M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France
Size ammonite: 2.52 inch / 6.3 cm

Acrioceras sp.
L. Cretaceous, Barremian, 126 Million years old
Imessouane, Morocco
Size biggest: 2.84 inch / 7.1 cm
Price: Euro 50.--

Perisphinctes sp.

Very big specimen!
M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France
Size : 5.2 inch / 13 cm
Price: Euro 75.--

Indophinctes cf. prehecquensis #APF4474

mass mortality plate
M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France
Size mtrix: 11.8 by 11.8 inch / 30 by 30 cm
Price: Euro 180.--

Subplanites sp.

Ammonite pos/neg plate with Fish Shit!
Upper Jurassic, Lower Tithonian
148 million years old
Eichstatt, Germany
Size ammo: 1.4 inch / 3.5 cm
Price: Euro 40.--

Phyloceras heterophyllum  #APP4360

M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France
Size : 3.6 inch / 9 cm
Price: Euro 60.--

Echioceras spec.  #AAF4362

L. Jurassic, Sinemurian, 191 Million years old
Poitiers, France
Size : 4.2 inch / 10.5 cm
Price: Euro 40.--

Macrocephalites macrocephalus #AMP4350
Very huge specimen!! (Heavy approx 20 kilogram)
M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France
Size : 13.8 inch / 35 cm
Price: Euro 390.--

Cenoceras inornatum  #ANA4173

(Kummel 1864) Old Collection,
RARE Quality Nautilus

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 5 inch / 12.5 cm
Price: Euro 75.--

Cadoceras sublaeve

Rare Ammonite
Mid Jurassic, Callovien 165 million years old
Hallwede, Germany
Size: 4.2 inch / 10.5 cm
Price: Euro 90.--

Cleoniceras besairei
# AMP4114

Ammonite  with pearl shale!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 4.2 inch / 10.5 cm
Price: Euro 80.--

Cleoniceras besairei
# AMP4115

Ammonite  with pearl shale!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 3.62 inch / 9.2 cm
Price: Euro 75.--
Haugia variabilis #AAF3992
(Schulbert 2001) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size ammonite: 11.02 inch / 28 cm
Matrix: 25 by 31 cm
Haugia variabilis #AHV3612
(Schulbert 2001) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 5.2 inch / 13 cm
Price: Euro 60.--
Haugia variabilis #AHV3613
(Schulbert 2001) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 3.6 inch / 9 cm
Price: Euro 60.--
Ammonites rudis #AAR3614
(Gabilly 1976) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 4 inch / 10 cm
Price: Euro 50.--
Harpoceras falciferum #AHF3616
(Sowerby 1820) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 6.8 inch / 17 cm
Price: Euro 55.--
Lytoceras cornucopia #ALC3621
(Young & Bird 1822) Old Collection,
Quality Ammonite

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 7.2 inch / 18 cm
Price: Euro 125.--
Cenoceras inornatum #ACI3622
(Kummel 1964) Old Collection,
RARE Quality Nautilus

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 6 inch / 15 cm
Price: Euro 60.--
Cleoniceras besairei # APM3558
Ammonite  with pearl shale!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 4.2 inch / 10.5 cm
Price: Euro 80.--
Cleoniceras besairei # APM3559
Ammonite  with pearl shale!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 3.2 inch / 8 cm
Price: Euro 65.--
Cleoniceras besairei # APM3561
Ammonite  with pearl shale!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 2.52 inch / 6.3 cm
Price: Euro 45.--
Cleoniceras madagascariense # APM3562
Ammonite  with pearl shale!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 2.52 inch / 6.3 cm
Price: Euro 45.--
Cut Nautlius #ANM10545
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 3.8 inch / 9.5 cm
Hildoceras bifrons #ADE10207
L. Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size : 2.48 inch / 6.2 cm
Price: Euro 30.--
Harpoceras elegans #ADE10208
L. Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
matrix 6 by 4.5 cm
Size biggest: 1.04 inch / 2.6 cm
Price: Euro 35.--
Grammoceras sp. #ADE10210
L. Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size : 2 inch / 5 cm
Price: Euro 25.--
Grammoceras sp. #ADE10211
L. Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size : 1.68 inch / 4.2 cm
Price: Euro 25.--
Oistoceras sp. #ADE10213
L. Jurassic, U. Pliensbachian 189 million years old
Tongrube, Velpe, Germany
Size : 2.16 inch / 5.4 cm
Price: Euro 35.--
Rachitheuthis donovani #IIL9270
Rare Fossilized squid with catching arms preserved
Upper Cretaceous
Cenomanian, 95 million years old
Hajoula (Haqel) / Lebanon

Size : 5.8 inch / 12 cm
Price : Euro 320.--
Rachitheuthis donovani #IIL9269
Rare Fossilized squid with catching arms preserved
Upper Cretaceous
Cenomanian, 95 million years old
Hajoula (Haqel) / Lebanon

Size : 4 inch / 10 cm
Price : Euro 300.--
Aegastoceras sagittarium # AGH9512
L. Jurassic, L. Lias, Sinemurian, 199 Million years old
Frodingham Ironstone Green Ammonite
Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, U.K.
Size : 4.8 inch / 12 cm wide
Price:  Euro 125.--
Aegastoceras sagittarium # AGH9513
L. Jurassic, L. Lias, Sinemurian, 199 Million years old
Frodingham Ironstone Green Ammonite
Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, U.K.
Size : 3.4 inch / 8.5 cm wide
Price:  Euro 110.--
Aegastoceras sagittarium # AGH9514
L. Jurassic, L. Lias, Sinemurian, 199 Million years old
Frodingham Ironstone Green Ammonite
Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, U.K.
Size : 4 inch / 10 cm wide
Price:  Euro 120.--
Acrioceras sp. + Barremites sp. #AMA9456
On matrix 12.5 by 8cm
L. Cretaceous, Barremian, 126 Million years old
Imessouane, Morocco
Size biggest: 2 inch / 5 cm
Price: Euro 60.--
Cymatoceras sp. #AMA9458
L. Cretaceous, Valanginian, 135 Million years old
Tamri, Morocco
Size : 2.6 inch / 6.5 cm
Price: Euro 25.--
Acrioceras    sp. #AMA467
L. Cretaceous, Barremian, 126 Million years old
Imessouane, Morocco
Size : 1.6 inch / 4 cm
Price: Euro 20.--
Nautilus xenocheilus #ACM9435
L. Cretaceous, Valanginian, 135 Million years old
Tamri, Morocco
Size : 4.6 inch / 11.5 cm
Price: Euro 55.--
Olcostephanoceras sp. #ACM9437
with predaterous worm on backside
L. Cretaceous, Valanginian, 135 Million years old
Tamri, Morocco
Size : 3.8 inch / 9.5 cm
Price: Euro 60.--
Lytoceras fimbriatum #AAH9358
P.Davoei Zone
L. Jurassic, Pliensbachian 185 million years old
Bonenburg, Germany
Size:  4.2 inch / 10.5 cm
Price: Euro 250.-
Sonninia sp. #AAH9360
M. Jurassic, Aalenian 171 million years old
Bradford Abbas, U.K.
Size:  4.2 inch / 10.5 cm
Price: Euro 240.-
Dactilioceras sp. #ADU8744
and Harpoceras sp.
L. jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Isle of Skye, U.K.
Size biggest:  2.4 inch / 6 cm
Price: Euro 75.-- 
Platyclymenia annulata #APA7437
(Munster) Henberg Stufe
U. Devonian, Famennian, 360 Million years old
Asbeck, Saurland, Germany
Size : 1.04 inch / 2.6 cm
Price: Euro 30.--
Platyclymenia subautilina #APS7439
(Sandberger) Henberg Stufe
U. Devonian, Famennian, 360 Million years old
Asbeck, Saurland, Germany
Size : 1 inch / 2.5 cm
Price: Euro 15.--
Cheiloceras spec. #ACS7445
(Munster) Pyritized Henberg Stufe
U. Devonian, Famennian, 374 Million years old
Kreishaus, Bergischgladbach, Germany
Size : 0.88 inch / 2.2 cm
Price: Euro 10.--
Platyclymenia callimorpha #APC7451
(Lange) Henberg Stufe
U. Devonian, Famennian, 360 Million years old
Asbeck, Saurland, Germany
Size : 0.68 inch / 1.7 cm
Price: Euro 15.--
Craspedites subditus #ACS7295
Lower Cretaceous,
Aptian 115 million years old
Iwanowo, Russia
Size: 1.28 inch / 3.2 cm
Price: Euro 10.--
Douvillieiceras mammillatum #ADM7300
Lower Cretaceous,
Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size: 2.2 inch / 5.5 cm
Price: Euro 10.--
Prodactylioceras davoei #APA7198
L. Jurassic, Pliensbachian, 185 Million years old
Semur en Auxois, France
Size : 3.8 inch / 9.5 cm
Price: Euro 30.--
Lytoceras jurense #AKD7200
L. Jurassic, Lias, 190 Million years old
Dotternhasuen, Germany
Size : 5.6 inch / 14 cm
Price: Euro 75.--
Garantiana garantiana # AGG7185
M. Jurassic, Bajocian, 170 Million years old
Ciret du Mont, d'or Lyonnais, France
Size : 0.6 inch / 1.5 cm  
Price:  Euro 10.--
Garantiana garantiana # AGG7186
M. Jurassic, Bajocian, 170 Million years old
Ciret du Mont, d'or Lyonnais, France
Size : 0.6 inch / 1.5 cm  
Price:  Euro 10.--
Aegastoceras sagittarium # AGA7187
Fording Hamironstone
L. Jurassic, Hettangian, 199 Million years old
Scunthorphe, Lincolnshire,U.K.
Size ammonite: 3.2 inch / 8 cm  
Price:  Euro 35.--
Pleuroceras spinatum # APG7191
L. Jurassic, Pliensbachian, 185 Million years old
Untersturmig, Germany
Size : 1.4 inch / 3.5 cm wide 
Price:  Euro 10.--
Pleuroceras spinatum # APG7192
L. Jurassic, Pliensbachian, 185 Million years old
Untersturmig, Germany
Size : 1.6 inch / 4 cm wide 
Price:  Euro 10.--
Grammoceras spec. # ATU7195
L. Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Gerecse mountains, Hungary
Size : 3.4 inch / 8.5 cm  
Pachylytoceras jurense #APJ7123
Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Tournadous, France
Size : 1.12 inch / 2.8 cm
Price: Euro 10.--
Juraphyllithes sp. #AJS7124
Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Tournadous, France
Size : 1.16 inch / 2.9 cm
Price: Euro 10.--
Amaltheus magaritatus #AAM7125
Domerian, 183 Million years old
Tournadous, France
Size : 1.04 inch / 2.6 cm
Price: Euro 10.--
Dactylioceras communis #ADC7126
Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Eugueralles, Normandie, France
Size : 1.2 inch / 3 cm
Price: Euro 10.--

Dactylioceras commune #ADC7046
2 Specimen on 1 matrix
Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size biggest: 2.8 inch / 7 cm
Price: Euro 50.--
Almatheus magaritatus #AAD6737
Liassic, U. Pliensbachian, 183 Million years old
Eislingen, Baden Wurtenberg, Germany
Size: 2.2 inch / 5.5 cm
Price:  Euro 15.--
Indosphinctes sp.
Pyritized "Goldschnecke" Ammonite #AGA6731

M. Jurassic Callovien, 163 Million years old
Staffelberg-Staffelstein, Bavaria, Germany
Size : 0.8 inch / 2 cm
Price: Euro 20.-- 
Grossouvria sulcifera
Pyritized "Goldschnecke" Ammonite #AGA6732
M. Jurassic Callovien, 163 Million years old
Staffelberg-Staffelstein, Bavaria, Germany
Size : 0.8 inch / 2 cm
Price: Euro 20.-- 
Grossouvria sulcifera
Pyritized "Goldschnecke" Ammonite #AGA6733
M. Jurassic Callovien, 163 Million years old
Staffelberg-Staffelstein, Bavaria, Germany
Size : 0.8 inch / 2 cm
Price: Euro 15.-- 
Hecticoceras sp.
Pyritized "Goldschnecke" Ammonite #AGA6734
M. Jurassic Callovien, 163 Million years old
Staffelberg-Staffelstein, Bavaria, Germany
Size : 0.8 inch / 2 cm
Price: Euro 20.-- 
Hoploscaphites nicolletii #AAA6729
U. Cretaceous, Maastrichtian, 68 million years old
Fox Hills Formation, Pennington County SD, U.S.A.
Size: 2.4 inch / 6.5 cm
Price: Euro 50.--
Hoploscaphites landesi #ASD6696
U. Cretaceous, Maastrichtian, 68 million years old
Fox Hills Formation, Pennington County SD, U.S.A.
Size: 2.4 inch / 6 cm
Price: Euro 75.--
Trachyscaphites cf. pulcherrinus  #ASD6698
U. Cretaceous, Maastrichtian, 68 million years old
Fox Hills Formation, Pennington County SD, U.S.A.
Size: 2.2 inch / 5.5 cm
Price: Euro 80.--
Sphenodiscus lenticularis #ASD6699
U. Cretaceous, Maastrichtian, 68 million years old
Fox Hills Formation, Pennington County SD, U.S.A.
Size: 1.2 inch / 3 cm
Price: Euro 15.--
Promicroceras planicosta # APA6386
L. Jurassic, Sinemurian, 191 Million years old
Lyme Regis, U.K.
Size : 8.8 inch / 22 cm wide
Price:  Euro 180.--
Collotia oxyptycha #APP6355
and Indophinctes cf. prehecquensis

M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France
Size biggest ammonite: 3.6 inch / 9 cm
Price: Euro 90.--
Liparoceras cheltiense #LC5960
Liassic, Pliensbachian, 195 Million years old
Blockley, Gloucester, U.K.
Size: 3.8 inch / 9.5 cm
Price:  Euro 45.--
Craspedites subditus #CR5411
Lower Cretaceous,
Aptien 115 million years old
Iwanowo, Russia
Size: 1.08 inch / 2.7 cm
Price: Euro 10.--
Reineckia anceps #RA986
Bajocian, 170 Million years old
Poitiers, France
Size fossil: 4.4 inch / 11 cm
Price: Euro 50.--

Iridescent ammonite PD426
Rare with shiny Pearl shale
L. Cretaceous, Albian, 110 Million years old
Bully,  France
Size specimen: 6 by 3.6 inch / 15 by 9 cm
Price: Euro 55.--
Hildoceras bifrons #ADE10205
L. Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size : 2.8 inch / 7 cm
Price: Euro 15.--
Pleuroceras spinatum # APG7190
L. Jurassic, Pliensbachian, 185 Million years old
Untersturmig, Germany
Size : 2 inch / 5 cm wide 
Price:  Euro 10.--
Hildoceras bifrons #AHB6780
Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size : 2.8 inch / 7 cm
Price: Euro 25.--

Aegastoceras sagittarium # AHE4471

L. Jurassic, L. Lias, Sinemurian, 199 Million years old
Frodingham Ironstone Green Ammonite
Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, U.K.
Size : 3.2 inch / 8 cm wide
Price:  Euro 100.-- On Hold

Phylloceras  # APM3759
Ammonite polished!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 2.72 inch / 6.8 cm
Price: Euro 40.-- On Hold
Harpoceras lassum #AHL3604
(Sowerby 1820) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 6.8 inch / 17 cm
Price: Euro 40.-- On Hold
Phymatoceras narbonense #APN360
(Buckman 1898) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 4.4 inch / 11 cm
Price: Euro 50.-- On Hold
Phylloceras   #APM3757
Ammonite polished!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 2.6 inch / 6.5 cm
Price: Euro 40.-- On Hold
Hildoceras bifrons #ADE10206
L. Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size : 2.72 inch / 6.8 cm
Price: Euro 30.-- On Hold
Oistoceras sp. #ADE10212
L. Jurassic, U. Pliensbachian 189 million years old
Tongrube, Ledde, Germany
Size : 2.2 inch / 5.5 cm
Price: Euro 35.-- On Hold
Acrioceras  sp. #AMA9468
L. Cretaceous, Barremian, 126 Million years old
Imessouane, Morocco
Size : 2.6 inch / 6.5 cm
Price: Euro 45.-- On Hold
Lytoceras fimbriatum #ALF8162
L. Jurassic, Pliensbachian 185 million years old
Bonenburg, Germany
Size:  6.2 inch / 15.5 cm
Price: Euro 160.-- On Hold

Macrocephalites macrocephalus #APP4662

Ammonite on display stand
M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France
Size : 10.24 inch / 26 cm
Price: Euro 320.-- On Hold
Aegoceras sp. #AAS9724
Marvelous large and rare Ammonite plate (Heavy specimen!)
L. Jurassic, Pliensbachian, 185 Million years old
Hattorf Braunschweig, Germany
Size biggest: 2.8 inch / 7 cm
Matrix: 61 by 47 cm
Price:  Euro 


Harpoceras falciter #AHD9731
With Dactylioceras

Marvelous and rare Ammonite plate 3d and 2 sided Preparation
Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Port Mulgrave, Yorkshire, England
Size biggest: 4.8 inch / 12 cm
Matrix: 28 by 24 cm
Haugia spec. #AHS3607
(Buckman 1888) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 9.2 inch / 23 cm
Price: Euro

Haugia variabilis #AAP3810
(Schulbert 2001) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 7.32 inch / 18.3 cm
Price: Euro

Cenoceras inornatum #ANA4172

(Kummel 1864) Old Collection,
RARE Quality Nautilus

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 6.2 inch / 15.5 cm

cf. Phylloceras heterophyllum #APA3009
L. Jurassic, 175 Million years old
Pamproux, France
Size: 13.4 inch / 34 cm
Price: Euro
Valangenites nucleus #AVN7948
Rare Ammonite 
L. Cretaceous, Valanginian 135 million years old
Hollwede, Germany
Size: 2.4 inch / 6 cm
Indophinctes cf. prehecquensis #APR6353
M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France
Size ammonite: 6 inch / 15 cm
Lytoceras cornucopia #ALC4001
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size: 6.3 inch / 16 cm
Price: Euro

Paracenoceras calloviense #APD5502

Nautiloid on display stand
M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France

Size: 9.84 inch / 25 cm

Lytoceras sp. #APD5503

Ammonite on display stand
M. Jurassic, Pliensbachian, 185 Million years old
Dordogne, France

Size: 10 inch / 25.5 cm
Dactylioceras commune #ADC8164
L. jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size : 2.8 inch / 7 cm
Pachydiscus stobaei #AWD7518
Large ammonite 
U. Cretaceous, Cenomanian 95 million years old
Thieberg, Rheine, Germany
Size: 44 cm
Hildoceras bifrons #AWH9313
L. Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size : 2.8 inch / 7 cm
Dactylioceras commune #ADC9315
L. Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size : 2.8 inch / 7 cm
Dactylioceras commune #ADC9316
L. Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size : 2.8 inch / 7 cm
Dactylioceras commune #ADC9318
L. Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size : 2.8 inch / 7 cm

Haugia variabilis #AAF5024

(Schulbert 2001) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
+ 3 Plagiostoma sp.
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size matrix: 28 by 44 cm
Harpoceras falciferum #AHF3605
(Sowerby 1820) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 4.4 inch / 11 cm

Acrioceras sp. 
L. Cretaceous, Barremian, 126 Million years old
Imessouane, Morocco
Size biggest: 3.4 inch / 8.5 cm

Hildoceras bifrons #AAF4075
Haugia spec.  
Plagiostoma giganteum
+ Plagiostoma laeviuculum
+ Ostrea spec.

Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size Matrix approx: 19,7 by 19.7 inch / 50 by 50 cm
Price: Euro
Haugia evoluta #AAF3990
+ Hildoceras bifrons
Old Collection, Quality Ammonite

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size ammonite: 11.02 inch / 28 cm
Matrix: 36 by 30 cm
Haugia spec. #AAF3991
+ Hildoceras bifrons
Plagiostoma giganteum a.o.
Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size ammonite: 8.12 inch / 20.3 cm
Matrix: 27 by 31 cm
Phymatoceras  cornucopia #AAP3807
Old Collection, Quality Ammonite

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 7 inch / 17.5 cm
Price: Euro
Denckmannia gr. malagma #ATT3729
Dumortier 1874 Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 6 inch / 15 cm
Price: Euro
Harpoceras falciferum #AHF3603
(Sowerby 1820) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 7.2 inch / 18 cm
Ammonites rudis #AAR3615
(Gabilly 1976) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 5.2 inch / 13 cm
Denckmannia rudis #ADR3617
(Simpson 1843) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 7.6 inch / 19 cm
Price: Euro
Macrocephalites macrocephalus #APM6349
M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France
Size ammonite: 7 inch / 17.5 cm
Liparoceras cheltiense #LC5961
Liassic, Pliensbachian, 195 Million years old
Blockley, Gloucester, U.K.
Size: 3.4 inch / 8.5 cm

Phyloceras heterophyllum  #APP4361

M. Jurassic, Callovian, 163 Million years old
Pamproux, France
Size : 4.8 inch / 12 cm
Price: Euro
Haugia variabilis #AAF3993
Plagiostoma giganteum a.o.
(Schulbert 2001) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size ammonite: 9.25 inch / 23.5 cm
Matrix: 27 by 30 cm
Haugia variabilis #AAF3994
Plagiostoma giganteum a.o.
(Schulbert 2001) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size ammonite: 9.06 inch / 23 cm
Matrix: 33 by 30 cm
Haugia variabilis #AAP3811
Plagiostoma giganteum a.o.
(Schulbert 2001) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size ammonite: 7.4 inch / 18.5 cm
Matrix: 30 by 27 cm
Phymatoceras robustum #AAP3802
Old Collection, Quality Ammonite

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 9.1 inch / 23 cm
Price: Euro
Haugia variabilis  #AAP3805
(Schulbert 2001) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 6.2 inch / 15.5 cm
Denckmannia rudis #ADR3618
(Simpson 1843) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 6.8 inch / 17 cm

Cleoniceras besairei # APM3557
Ammonite  with pearl shale!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 4 inch / 10 cm
Cleoniceras besairei # APM3560
Ammonite  with pearl shale!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 2.72 inch / 6.8 cm
cf. Olcostephanus sp. #AMA9466
L. Cretaceous, Valanginian, 135 Million years old
Tamri, Morocco
Size : 2.4 inch / 6 cm
Price: Euro
Parapuzosia seppenradensis #AWD7517
Large ammonite 
U. Cretaceous, Campanian 83 million years old
Thieberg, Rheine, Germany
Size: 38 cm
Price: Euro
Hypacanthoplites plesiotypicus #AHP7454
L. Cretaceous, Aptian, 115 Million years old
Ziegelei Arpke, Niedersachsen, Germany
Size : 1.32 inch / 3.3 cm
Stephanoceras mutabile # ASM7376
(Quenstedt) With rare deformation
M. Jurassic, U. Bajocian, 168 Million years old
Evrecy, Calvados, France
Size : 4.8 inch / 11.5 cm wide 
Price:  Euro
Aegocrioceras cf. compressum #AHA7045
On matrix 
L. Cretaceous, Hauterivian, 130 Million years old
Resse Hannover, Germany
Size specimen: 2.8 inch / 7 cm
Price: Euro
Teloceras blagdeni #APM6348
M. Jurassic, Bajocian, 170 Million years old
Pamproux, France
Size ammonite: 6.2 inch / 15.5 cm
Psiloceras planorbis #AE5600
With Pearl shale on matrix 18 by 17 cm
Jurassic, L. Lias, Hettangian, 198 Million years old
Watchet, Somerset, England
Size biggest: 3.4 nch / 8.5 cm
Price:  Euro
Androgynoceras lataecosta #AAL8199
L. Jurassic, Pliensbachian 185 million years old
Bonenburg, Germany
Size biggest:  1.68 inch / 4.2 cm
Androgynoceras capricornus #AAC8166
L. Jurassic, U. Pliensbachian 189 million years old
Tonegrube Ledde, Tecklenburger land, Germany
Size biggest:  1.4 inch / 3.5 cm
Androgynoceras capricornus #AAC8169
(Simpson) 3 specimen on matrix
L. Jurassic, U. Pliensbachian 189 million years old
Tonegrube Ledde, Tecklenburger land, Germany
Size biggest:  1.8 inch / 4.5 cm
Hypantoceras reussianum #AHR8131
Heteromorph Ammonite 
U. Cretaceous, Turonian 90 million years old
Halle, Germany
Size: 3.2 inch / 8 cm
Aegocrioceras cf. compressum #AAH9370
3 specimen on matrix plate of 29 by 20 cm
L. Cretaceous, Hauterivian, 130 Million years old
Resse Hannover, Germany
Size biggest: 4.8 inch / 12 cm
Aegocrioceras cf. compressum #AAH9357
3 specimen on matrix plate of 30 by 13 cm
L. Cretaceous, Hauterivian, 130 Million years old
Resse Hannover, Germany
Size biggest: 3.6 inch / 9 cm
Baculites sp. # AAC9908
Ammonite with pearl shale! 
Upper Cretaceous, Campian 80 million years old
Meade county, South Dakato, U.S.A.
Size : 3.6 inch / 9 cm
Price: Euro
Aegastoceras sagittarium # AGH9515
L. Jurassic, L. Lias, Sinemurian, 199 Million years old
Frodingham Ironstone Green Ammonite
Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, U.K.
Size : 5.6 inch / 14 cm wide
Price:  Euro
Valangenites nucleus #ADD9490
Rare Ammonite 
L. Cretaceous, Valanginian 135 million years old
Hollwede, Germany
Size: 2.2 inch / 5.5 cm
Oistoceras sp. #ADE10214
L. Jurassic, U. Pliensbachian 189 million years old
Tongrube, Velpe, Germany
Size : 2.72 inch / 6.8 cm
Harpoceras elegans #ADE10209
L. Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
matrix 6 by 5.5 cm
Size biggest: 1.2 inch / 3 cm
Dactylioceras commune #ADE10217
L. Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size : 2.68 inch / 6.7 cm
Price: Euro
Dactylioceras commune #ADE10219
L. Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size : 3.2 inch / 8 cm
Price: Euro
Hypantoceras reussianum #AHR3010
Heteromorph Ammonite 
U. Cretaceous, Turonian 90 million years old
Halle, Germany
Size: Hight ammonite 1.4 inch / 3.5 cm
With matrix: 2.5 inch / 6.5 cm
Aegocrioceras raricostatum #AAR7958
Heteromorph Ammonite on Matrix plate

L. Cretaceous, Hauterivian 132 million years old
Hannover, Germany
Size plate: 12.6 by 9 inch / 32 by 23 cm
Size span: 5.8 inch / 14.5 cm
Cut black Ammonite #AAM10544
Both sides //
Cleoniceras besairei
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 3.6 inch / 9 cm
Cleoniceras besairei # APM10547
Ammonite  with pearl shale!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 3.2 inch / 8 cm
Cleoniceras besairei # APM10551
Ammonite  with pearl shale!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 2.64 inch / 6.6 cm
Cenoceras inornatum #ACI3623
(Kummel 1864) Old Collection,
RARE Quality Nautilus

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 7.2 inch / 18 cm
Cleoniceras besairei  # APM3753
Ammonite polished!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size: 4 inch / 10 cm
Cleoniceras besairei  # APM3754
Ammonite polished!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 5.2 inch / 13 cm
Cleoniceras besairei  # APM3755
Ammonite polished!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 3.8 inch / 9.5 cm
Cleoniceras besairei  # APM3756
Ammonite polished!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 2.2 inch / 5.5 cm
Phylloceras  # APM3758
Ammonite polished!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 2 inch / 5 cm
Cleoniceras besairei  # APM3760
Ammonite polished!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 3.2 inch / 8 cm
Haugia variabilis  #AHV3619
(Schulbert 2001) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size: 8 inch / 20 cm
Harpoceras soloniasense #AHS3606
(Lissajous 1906) Old Collection, Quality Ammonites
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size matrix : 10.6 by 6 inch / 27 by 15 cm
Denckmannia robusta #ATT3730
Denckmann 1889 Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 7.32 inch / 18.3 cm
Phymatoceras narbonense #AAP3806
Old Collection, Quality Ammonite

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 8.2 inch / 20.5 cm
Harpoceras falciferum #AHF3601
(Sowerby 1820) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 4.8 inch / 12 cm
Harpoceras falciferum #AHF3602
(Sowerby 1820) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 4.4 inch / 11 cm
Price: Euro
Cleoniceras besairei  # APM3750
Ammonite polished!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 4.4 inch / 11 cm
Cleoniceras besairei  # APM3751
Ammonite polished!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 4.2 inch / 10.5 cm
Cleoniceras besairei  # APM3752
Ammonite polished!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 5.4 inch / 13.5 cm
Denckmannia sp. #AAP3804
Old Collection, Quality Ammonite

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 7.2 inch / 18 cm
Price: Euro
Denckmannia obliquata #AAP3809
Old Collection, Quality Ammonite

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 5.8 inch / 14.5 cm
Price: Euro

Douvillieiceras mammillatum #ADA4358

L. Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Cher, France
Size: 2.88 inch / 7.2 cm
Phymatoceras robustum #AAF3957
Old Collection, Quality Ammonite

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size ammonite: 6.2 inch / 15.5 cm
Haugia variabilis #AAP3801
(Schulbert 2001) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 8.2 inch / 20.5 cm
Hildaites sp. #AAF3955
Old Collection, Quality Ammonite

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size ammonite: 3.6 inch / 9 cm

Promicroceras planicosta # APE4467

L. Jurassic, Sinemurian, 191 Million years old
Lyme Regis, U.K.
Size : 0.84 inch / 2.1 cm wide
Price:  Euro

Promicroceras planicosta # APE4468

L. Jurassic, Sinemurian, 191 Million years old
Lyme Regis, U.K.
Size : 0.72 inch / 1.8 cm wide

Teloceras blagdeni

Rare, with cristals in its inner chambers visible
M. Jurassic, Bajocian, 170 Million years old
Pamproux, France
Size ammonite: 6 inch / 15 cm
Denckmannia robusta #AAP3860
Denckmann 1889 Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 9.25 inch / 23.5 cm
Agathiceras sundaicus #AAS7438
L. Permian, Artinskian, 280 Million years old
Bitauni, East-Timor
Size : 1 inch / 2.5 cm
Owenites koeneni #AOK7448
L. Triassic, 250 Million years old
Lidac - Kapan, West-Timor
Size : 0.6 inch / 1.5 cm
Metalegoceras tscheryschewi #ANT7449
L. Permian, Artinskian, 280 Million years old
Bitauni, East-Timor
Size : 1.2 inch / 3 cm

Bullatimorphites bullatus #ABA6730
Valanginian 138 Million years old
Suddendorf, Germany
Size : 2.2 inch / 5.5 cm
Olcostephanus sp. #OS974
Valanginian 138 Million years old
Suddendorf, Germany
Size : 3.6 inch / 9 cm
Acrioceras tabarelli #ACM9431
L. Cretaceous, Barremian, 126 Million years old
Imessouane, Morocco
Size : 3.4 inch / 8.5 cm
Haugia variabilis #AAP3808
(Schulbert 2001) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 6 inch / 15 cm
Haugia variabilis #AHV3610
(Schulbert 2001) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Matrix 18 by 18 cm
Size biggest: 4.8 inch / 12 cm
Haugia variabilis  #AAP3803
(Schulbert 2001) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite

Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 7.2 inch / 15.5 cm
Haugia variabilis #AAP3861
+ Hildoceras 
(Schulbert 2001) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size ammonite: 7.8 inch / 19.5 cm
Matrix: 35 by 26 cm
Phymatoceras cornucopia #ATT3728
Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size: 8 inch / 20 cm
Phymatoceras robustum #ATT3731
Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 6.6 inch / 16.7 cm
Denckmannia sp. #ATT3732
Buckman 1898 Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 6.8 inch / 17 cm
Haugia evoluta #AHE3609
(Gabilly 1973) Old Collection, Quality Ammonite
Lower Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Cimenterie d' Airvault, France
Size : 7.2 inch / 18 cm
Cleoniceras besairei  # AAM3550
Ammonite polished!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 5.6 inch / 14 cm
Phylloceras  # AAM3555
Ammonite polished!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 3.2 inch / 8 cm
Aspidoceras spec.  #SF5905
Ammonite On small matrix plate
Upper Jurassic, 148 Million years old
Eichstatt, Germany
Size fossil : 1.8 inch / 4.5 cm
Psiloceras planorbis #AE734
With Pearl shale
Jurassic, L. Lias, Hettangian, 198 Million years old
Watchet, Somerset, England
Size fossils: 1.08 and 2 inch / 2.7 cm and 5 cm
Price:  Euro 
Arnioceras sp. #AAAS9728
Micro and Macro species

Marvelous large and rare Ammonite plate
3d and 2 sided Preparation
Jurassic, Sinemurian, 195 Million years old
Holderness coast, Yorkshire, England
Size biggest: 2.6 inch / 6.5 cm
Matrix: 36 by 33 cm
Price:  Euro 
Emericiceras sp. #AMA9460
L. Cretaceous, Barremian, 126 Million years old
Imessouane, Morocco
Size : 3.08 inch / 7.7 cm
Neocomites sp. #ACM9429
L. Cretaceous, Valanginian, 135 Million years old
Tamri, Morocco
Size : 2.8 inch / 7 cm
Aegocrioceras raricostatum #AAH9364
Very well prepped Heteromorph Ammonite in Matrix nodule
L. Cretaceous, Hauterivian 132 million years old
Resse Hannover, Germany
Size span: 6.2 inch / 15.5 cm
Price: Euro
Dactylioceras commune #ADC9317
L. Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size : 3.2 inch / 8 cm
Metalegoceras tscheryschewi #ANT7447
L. Permian, Artinskian, 280 Million years old
Bitauni, East-Timor
Size : 1.24 inch / 3.1 cm
Cleoniceras besairei # APM10552
Ammonite  with pearl shale!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 2.6 inch / 6.5 cm
Eleganticeras elegans #ADE10546
Ammonite in Pos/Neg Nodule
L. Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size ammonite: 2.2 inch / 5.5 cm
Price: Euro
Olcostephanus sp. #AMA9462
L. Cretaceous, Valanginian, 135 Million years old
Tamri, Morocco
Size : 3.8 inch / 9.5 cm
Cnioceratites emerici #AMA9464
2 specimen on matrix 16 by 12cm
1 Unknown Ammonite
L. Cretaceous, Valanginian, 135 Million years old
Tamri, Morocco
Size biggest: 4.6 inch / 11.5 cm
Vascoceras tectiforme #NA022
U. Cretaceous,
Cenomanian - Turonian 95 million years old
Haute-Benoue, North Nigeria, Africa
Size: 4.6 inch / 11.5 cm
Cut Nautlius #ANM10543
Both sides
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 4.04 inch / 10.1 cm
Cleoniceras besairei # APM10549
Ammonite  with pearl shale!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 2.8 inch / 7 cm
Pleuroceras sp. #ADE10215
L. Jurassic, U. Pliensbachian 189 million years old
Tongrube, Ledde, Germany
Size : 2.92 inch / 7.3 cm
Amaltheus stokesi #ADE10216
L. jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size:  4.48 inch / 11.2 cm
Placenticeras sp. # AAC9908
Ammolite  with pearl shale! From Canada
Upper Cretaceous, Campian 80 million years old
Bearpaw from, Canada
Size : 8.8 inch / 22 cm

Cleoniceras besairei # AMP9900
Ammonite  with pearl shale!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 3 inch / 7.5 cm
Cleoniceras besairei # AMP9902
Ammonite polished!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 4.6 inch / 11.5 cm
Cleoniceras besairei #ACM9761
Ammonite  with pearl shale!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 4.4 inch / 11 cm
Cleoniceras besairei #ACM9763
Ammonite polished!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size : 6.4 inch / 16.5 cm

Kosmoceras cf. jason #AWD9706
Reneckia anceps (big specimen)

(Reinecke) Marvelous large and rare Ammonite plate
Jurassic, Callovian, 164 Million years old
Kellaways Clay-pit,
Cirencester, Gloucestershire England
Size biggest: 4.2 inch / 10.5 cm
Matrix: 44 by 33 cm
Price:  Euro 

Harpoceras falcifer #AHJ9988
Nice Ammonite plate
Posidonien schiefer tc 1
L. Jurassic, Lias Epsilon 181 Million years old
Holzmaden, Germany

Size plate: 43 by 40 cm
Size fossil span: 6.4 inch / 16 cm
Price only: Euro
Plesioteuthis prisca #ISQ9595
Baby Squid with tentacles pos/neg plate
Upper Jurassic, Lower Tithonian
148 million years old
Eichstatt, Germany
Size plate: 26 by 22 cm
Size squid: 5 inch / 12.5 cm
Price: Euro 
Trachytheuthis libaotica #IIL9033
Rare Fossilized squid with catching arms preserved
Upper Cretaceous
Cenomanian, 95 million years old
Hajoula (Haqel) / Lebanon

Size : 5,2 inch / 13 cm
Price : Euro
Megatheutis gigantheus #IAT7943
and 2 Trigonia interlaevigata (Wetzel)
U. Bajocien, M. Jurassic, 168 Million years old
Velpe, Tecklenburg, Germany
Size LONG: 13.2 inch / 33 cm
and 15 cm circumference


Craspedodiscus borealis #AWR9430
Uktra rare and stunning Craspedosicus Fire Opal Ammonite. (Glasunova 1967)
L. Cretaceous, Hauterivian, 130 Million years old
Volga river formation, Ulyanovsk region, Russia
Size : 11.2 inch / 28 cm
Acrioceras tabarelli #ACM9433
L. Cretaceous, Barremian, 126 Million years old
Imessouane, Morocco
Size : 3.08 inch / 7.7 cm
Price: Euro
Acrioceras sp. #ACM9439
L. Cretaceous, Barremian, 126 Million years old
Imessouane, Morocco
Size : 1.72 inch / 4.3 cm
Androgynoceras cf. lataecosta #AAH9362
P.Davoei Zone Multiple specimen plate,
matrix size 33 by 29 cm.
L. Jurassic, Pliensbachian 185 million years old
Hattorf Branschweig, Germany
Size biggest:  3.6 inch / 9 cm
Aegocrioceras cf. compressum #AAH9366
2 specimen on matrix plate of 20 by 13.5 cm
L. Cretaceous, Hauterivian, 130 Million years old
Resse Hannover, Germany
Size biggest: 3.8 inch / 9.5 cm
Aegocrioceras cf. compressum #AAH9368
2 specimen on matrix plate of 20 by 14 cm
L. Cretaceous, Hauterivian, 130 Million years old
Resse Hannover, Germany
Size biggest: 4 inch / 10 cm
Dumortieria sp. +
Hudlestonia #AAH9372

Multiple specimen plate, matrix size 35 by 23 cm.
L. Jurassic, Toarcian 175 million years old
Hammerstadt Aalen, Germany
Size biggest:  2.6 inch / 6.5 cm
Harpoceras falcifer +
Dactylioceras sp. #AAH9374

Multiple specimen plate, matrix size 24 by 17 cm.
L. Jurassic, Toarcian 175 million years old
Ilse of Skye, U.K.
Size biggest:  3.8 inch / 9.5 cm
Price: Euro
Lytoceras polyanchomenum #ALM8725
Biggest Lytoceras we ever had!!! Above and right
NO restoration Abiove and right
U. Jurassic, Oxfordian 160 million years old
Sakahara, Tulear, Madagascar
Size:  44 cm
Lytoceras fimbriatum #ALD9292
L. Jurassic, Pliensbachian 185 million years old
Bonenburg, Germany
Size:  5.6 inch / 14 cm
Lytoceras fimbriatum #ALD9294
2 Lytoceras and 1 Androgynoceras
L. Jurassic, Pliensbachian 185 million years old
Bonenburg, Germany
Size:  5.6 inch / 14 cm
Oxynoticeras oxynotum #AWA9312
L. Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size:  3.2 inch / 8 cm
Dactylioceras athleticum #ASD9300
L. Jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Schlaifhausen, Germany
Size : 12.6 inch / 32 cm
Kranosphinctes sp. #AKM8727
Big Ammonite with original shell, Kranosphinctes sp.
Family Perisphinctidae. NO restoration
Above and left
U. Jurassic, Oxfordian 160 million years old
Sakahara, Tulear, Madagascar
Size:  34 cm
Price: Euro 
Amaltheus stokesi #AAW8754
L. jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size:  5.4 inch / 13.5 cm
Large Ammonite matrix #APM8493
Several Ammonite spieces; Cleoniceras besairei, Douvilleicerasmammilatum, Desmoceras latidorsatum and Pseudosonneratia sp. inoriginal matrix 
with pearl shale!
Lower Cretaceous, Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size matrix:  50 by 40 cm
Size biggest: 9.2 inch / 23cm
Cut and polished Ammonite #APM8482
Big Ammonite skillful cut and polished.
Small damage
U. Jurassic, Oxfordian 160 million years old
Sakahara, Tulear, Madagascar
Size:  30 cm
Price for both: Euro 

Androgynoceras maculatum #AAL8202
L. jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size:  1.76 inch / 4.4 cm
Dactylioceras athleticum #ADA8204
L. jurassic, Toarcian, 180 Million years old
Whitby, U.K.
Size:  3.04 inch / 7.6 cm
Allocrioceras spec. #AAS8122
Heteromorph Ammonite 
U. Cretaceous, Turonian 90 million years old
Halle, Germany
Size: 3.2 inch / 8 cm
Price: Euro
Hypantoceras reussianum #AHR8124
Heteromorph Ammonite 
U. Cretaceous, Turonian 90 million years old
Halle, Germany
Size: 2.4 inch / 6 cm
Scaphites spec. #ASS8126
Heteromorph Ammonite 
U. Cretaceous, Turonian 90 million years old
Halle, Germany
Size: 1.2 inch / 3 cm
Scaphites spec. #ASS8127
Heteromorph Ammonite 
U. Cretaceous, Turonian 90 million years old
Halle, Germany
Size: 1.6 inch / 4 cm
Lamellaptychus spec.#SF5908
2 Ammonite aptychus On small matrix plate
Upper Jurassic, 148 Million years old
Eichstatt, Germany
Size largest : 0.6 inch / 1.5 cm
Plesioteuthis prisca #S011
Baby Squid with tentacles
Upper Jurassic, Lower Tithonian
148 million years old
Eichstatt, Germany
Size plate: 7.2 by 6.8 inch / 18 by 17 cm
Size Body: 3.2 inch / 8 cm
Price: Euro 
Australiceras jackii #AAJ7416
(Etheridge) Free prepared! Blackdown Formation
L. Cretaceous, Aptian, 120 Million years old
Wrotham Park, Walsh river, N. Queensland, Australia
Size : 2.2 inch / 5.5 cm
Agathiceras globossum #AAG7434
L. Permian, Artinskian, 280 Million years old
Bitauni, East-Timor
Size : 1.04 inch / 2.6 cm
Platyclymenia subautilina #APS7440
(Sandberger) Henberg Stufe
U. Devonian, Famennian, 360 Million years old
Asbeck, Saurland, Germany
Size : 1 inch / 2.5 cm
Gonicoclymenia speciosa #AGS7442
U. Devonian, Famennian, 360 Million years old
Tafilalt, Marokko
Size : 0.92 inch / 2.3 cm
Platyclymenia cf. costata #APC7444
(Lange) Henberg Stufe
U. Devonian, Famennian, 360 Million years old
Asbeck, Saurland, Germany
Size : 1.2 inch / 3 cm
Agathiceras sundaicus #AAS7453
L. Permian, Artinskian, 280 Million years old
Bitauni, East-Timor
Size : 0.92 inch / 2.3 cm
Price: Euro
Oncoceras spec. #AOS7457
(Lange) Henberg Stufe
Silurian, 425 Million years old
Irevike, Gotland, Sweden
Size : 3 inch / 7.5 cm
Quenstedtoceras cf. henrici #AQR7298
Oxfordian, 160 Million years old
Ulyanovsk, Volga river, Russia
Size fossil: 1.2 inch / 3 cm
Price: Euro 
Douvillieiceras mammillatum #ADM7299
Lower Cretaceous,
Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size: 2.72 inch / 6.8 cm
Anapuzosia sp. #AMM7301
Lower Cretaceous,
Albian 110 million years old
Mahajanga, Madagascar
Size: 1.4 inch / 6 cm
Acanthoceras spec. # AKF7197
Cretaceous, Cenomanian, 95 Million years old
Rouen, France
Size : 3 inch / 7.5 cm
Price:  Euro